Today, we're going to be talking about some stuff on the dangle-y genitalia front. We've already talked about girlfriend hysteria, but we have yet to talk about the forces that drive it, outside of some girls just being down-right bat-shit. I feel like one of those intro-series professors that just kind of tell you that polar molecules dissolve in water, but refuse to explain why. Gentlemen, there was no way you were going to get away with me not talking about your contributions to our hysteria. We're talking about how not to suck at being a boyfriend today, so put on your big-boy pants, dearies; this is gonna get ugly.
Mind-Fucking in Silence
Sorry if I just scarred you for life. |
Making Me Your "Honey Fuzzy Snuggly Bear"
Taylor's got the right idea here. |
Last-Second Rain-Checking
This might be just me, but I honestly cannot grow to hate someone faster than when they are continually late to things. The only thing worse than being tardy all the time? Not telling us about it. If you're gonna be late, fine: shit happens. If you're going to be over an hour late and leave me in a busy coffee shop looking like a complete bitch cuz I keep fending people off from taking your seat that you never end up claiming? Total dick move. If it gets habitual, guys, we really start to wonder if you actually want to do things with us other than stick a certain eel in a certain cave.
Becoming King of Passiva Aggressiva
Honestly, gentlemen, some of you are bigger girls than we are about this issue. If we ask you if something's wrong, TELL US for godsakes, ESPECIALLY if you're going to get all miffed if we go "oh never mind" when you ask us. The hypocrisy is so thick I can cut it with a knife. My favorite is when I'm dating a guy, and the clearly pointed Facebook statuses come out. Oh good god. I will be shamelessly straight-forward with you, and if you want to play mind-games, you can find another match-player because I won't deal with it. Trying to read the motivations behind your thoughts was fun in high school...maybe...but at this point in my life, I don't have time to be playing testicular clairvoyant.
The Ultimate Sin
Don't stand a girl up. Please. Just don't.
The sanity check? Boys, honest communication will solve all of your problems. Be respectful, be open. Don't do anything you would get frustrated with yourself. Do unto others and yadda yadda yadda. You know how to be a decent human being. Ladies, you can avoid the frustration of these situations by being strong enough to NOT date guys who treat you like that. Shouldn't you both want to be in a loving, caring relationship wherein both parties respect each other and treat each other as such? Moral of the story here, you ask?
Just bang and make up for godsakes.
Next weeks' subject: How to lose friends on Facebook.
Until next time, dweebs <3
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