Friday, June 22, 2012

Nerdgasm: "Platelet Rhapsody"

Greetings nerdy-pants!

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Ok, this is the last anatomy-related post for a while.  It's been my life for the past 18 weeks, so give me a break, alright?  My original intention was to record this and put it to a slideshow of blood-clotting that only iMovie could deliver, but I quickly found out that a) I'm very busy and b) have no idea how to begin to do that with high sound quality.

REGARDLESS,  I give to you my blood-clotting song that saved my ass during my final.  It's all about platelets, little packets of chemical messages that flow through your veins, and how they stop blood from draining in a wound.  Sung to "Bohemian Rhapsody"...and yes, nerds, I mean ALL of it.

I've included an instrumental version so you can sing along if you'd like.  Without further ado...

Is this vessel whole?
Endothelium continuous?
Caught in a fibrin,
No escape from clotting process.
Approach from both sides,
The basement membranes meet!
I'm just a platelet,
promoting some clotting,
because I make a plug,
then I go,
serum high, serum low.
Anywhere this vein goes doesn't really matter to me,
to me.

Mama just had a stroke.
Vessel burst inside her head,
Forget death, let's clot instead.
Platelets have just begun
To activate the fibrinogen!
Platelets, oooooooooo,
They stick to vessel walls,
Ooze paracrines in positive feedback loops!
They diffuse, they diffuse and activate other platelets...

And now, the bruises come,
RBC's under her skin cuz her vessel has run thin.
Platelets in the plasma, they cannot go:
Mamaaaa, oooooh,
You aren't gonna die
Because those platelets are fixing your vessel walls!

*epic solo*

I see a bunch of little platelets in your veins,
Gotta clot, gotta clot!
Gotta stop the blood from draining!

Hemmhorage, infection, cue platelet contraction
Need a blood clot, need a blood clot,
need a blood clot, need a blood clot
Need a blood clot and some vessel spasm now, spasm now.

I'm just a platelet, with cascades to excite.
He is just a platelet from the bone marrow, right?
Fragmented from the megakaryocyte!
Little parts of a cell-- active fibrin now,
Clots wil FORM!  Oh hemostasis now!
(Bleeding stops!) The clot forms, hemostasis now!
(Bleeding stops!) The clot forms, hemostasis now!
(Calcium!) Drives the, drives the feedback loop.
(Calcium!) Drives the feedback loop.  Calcium!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh mama mia, mama mia mama mia there's blood-flow.
All these platelet's better prepare for clotting, 
For clotting, 

So you think you can cut me and leave me to die!
Well, I have platelets that help me get by!
Oh platelets!
Form a scab for me, platelets!
Just gotta clot, gonna get scarred up instead!

Platelets in the plasma,
Anyone one can see,
With broken endothelium
Will produce a blood clot for me.

Anywhere this vein goes....

Why yes, I am the dorkiest person known to man-kind.  That's why you're reading my blog, right?  If I get time today, I might post a Sanity Check update just as a bonus for all of you lovely people out there waiting so patiently for this blog to come back all winter and spring.  

Until next time, dweebs <3

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